E-Token is a secured hardware device which is used to store Digital Signature for security purpose and certified by International standards.
DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) is issued for one or two years. So valid period is from issue date to expiry date.
Token based DSC is not directly linked with Turbo-IVP Portal, so Channel Partner has to save Invoice in draft mode and then attach Digital Signature manually from Turbo eSigner .
Before generating invoice Channel Partner has to download Turbo eSigner software from link provided by Shiva Infotech and install in local computer. After saving Invoice in Draft mode, CP has to run Turbo eSigner from his local computer. Login Name and Password are Similar to Turbo-IVP Portal. Now CP has to select his own unsigned Invoice one by one and attach his Digital Signature from the list and click to Add Sign button.
When Digital Signature is attached to Invoice, Invoice status is changed from draft to Unapproved in Turbo-IVP Portal and further an Email is sent to next level .
This Sign show Digital Signature is valid.
This Sign show Digital Signature is valid without FDF file.
This Sign show Digital Signature is not valid.